Welcome to SCRABBLE® !

This is the latest version of the game SCRABBLE®!

It contains these great features:

The latest version of Maven, the SCRABBLE® Playing AI, to both challenge and teach you great words.

A new Hint System that will gradually give you tips, guiding you to that high scoring 7 letter word you always dreamed of.

The Official SCRABBLE® Dictionary is built into the game.

Definitions of all words! So now you can see what that word "BEZIQUE" means when Maven plays it.

Scrabble "Player Cards" track your scores, your top plays, your current Scrabble rating and which levels of Maven you have beaten. They also automatically save your game.

Top Ten lists lets you see who's got the top stats.

Keyboard shortcuts help make it easy to play using the mouse or keyboard.

Play alone in Solitaire mode, challenge yourself against Maven or take another Human.

To learn more, select one of the links to the left.