Welcome to SCRABBLE® Blast!

Welcome to the newest way to play SCRABBLE®, SCRABBLE® Blast!

It contains these great features:

Just connect the SCRABBLE® tiles in any direction to make words.

But wait, there are SCRABBLE® bonus squares! These will multiply your word in various ways. Double Letter, Triple Letter, Double Word and Triple Word - are all in the game! Can you get the tiles "Q U I Z" on the triple word square to score big points? Also, you can play up to 15 Letter Words, that is, if you can make them.

One Bag gives you a bag of 100 tiles. How high can you score with them before they run out?

Puzzle features the notorious number bombs. These require a certain length word to get them to explode. Can you make it pass the 6 letter bomb?

Action tests your speed as the bombs fall faster and faster. Can you make words fast enough to get rid of them before they hit the bottom?

You know that 7 letter word is out there somewhere... Maven will help you get to it by giving you hints along the way. A great way to learn how to take your game to the next level.

The Official SCRABBLE® Dictionary is built into the game. So you know you'll be able to play QAT!

Definitions of almost all the words! So when you play "QAT", you can find out what it means. ;)

SCRABBLE® "Player Cards" track your top scores, your top plays, and your top rank. They also automatically save your game.

Top Ten lists lets you see who's got the top stats.

To learn more, select one of the links to the left.